
Precision Advisory (PA) provides pooled finance and accounting resources that allow you to enjoy full professional services at affordable rates. Below is a brief description of the services:

Business Development Advisory

Changing business environments require constant change for businesses to remain relevant in today’s changing world. Businesses may or may not be aware of the gaps that call for the need for restructuring, automation, cost optimization, Human capital adjustments and development among other ingredients of change management. We walk with SME leaders to identify these needs and support in execution of strategies that help them make necessary changes for sustainability.


The 21st Century SME organization seeks to grow to be great. When all is said and done, Automation becomes a preferred solution for this growth. Our intention is to support these businesses in identification of automation needs, selection of recommended solution that will address the organization needs, and managing the change process required to ensure a successful implementation of the selected solution.
Enterprise Resource Program (ERP) solutions are great drivers of organizational growth when successfully implemented. We support our clients in this process and celebrate the growth together.

Financial Modelling

we work with business owners to make sense of their existing information to prepare useful management reports that communicate the business potential to themselves and significant stakeholders.

Business & Finance Literacy Solutions

We offer training on: Finance for non-finance staff, Enterprise risk Management, Conflict Management & Mediation, Knowledge Management, Team Formation and Development, Supervisory skills, ERP Implementation – The process, Talent Management, Change Management, Personal Branding, Entrepreneurship activation journey

Accountancy Solutions

1.The visiting Accountant
2.Accounting Implant
3.Accounting Talent Supervision
4.Accounting Talent Search

The Executive Finance Coaching Programme

The Executive Finance Coaching Programme is a personalized one-on-one program aimed at addressing limiting believes that make an individual unable to understand finance content and lingo, thus enabling the professional to get at ease with ‘the numbers’ in the context of the specific industry in which they practice.

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